Thursday, January 8, 2015

My first lunch poem of the new year

Welcome to the New Year

The new year is upon us now,
But slow it down, don't have a cow.
I know you're thinking that it's time,
For diet, exercise and saving a dime.
But I ask you now, and think it through,
How about a taco salad with a few
Of your closest friends, buddies from work,
Some of the greatest judicial clerks.
Take a cheat day, we won't tell,
Sit down with us and chat a spell.
For lunch is just so much more fun,
When we're all together and out of the sun.
Hidden away in the Standard cave,
Rehashing old topics from past Thursdays.
Nothing new to discuss or new people to meet,
Just the same old faces and old taco meat.
Wait a second here, what am I saying??
We've gotten off topic, the convo is straying.

Ha. Ha ha. *Ahem*

To embrace the new year of 2015,
Join us for lunch, the usual routine.
Come early, on time, even a bit late,
I hope you all make it, it's sure to be great.

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