Thursday, August 27, 2015

Zombie Apocalypse

Anybody who knows me knows that I am a big fan of zombies. I don't know when my interest/fascination/obsession with zombies (books, movies, 5K runs, etc.) started (sometime in college, I think), but it is one that has endured for many years. In fact, my final senior English seminar paper in college was on the Resident Evil film series and how it's an evolving allegory for our societal fears today. (I'm still not sure how I managed to get that topic past my professor, but I had a great time watching those movies over and over again in preparation for writing.) I continue to read and watch any new zombie books and films that come out (I highly recommend reading Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion and World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks) and enjoy them all immensely (some more than others, of course). It should come as no surprise to learn then that I've also spent an inordinate amount of time planning exactly what I will (note: will, not would) do when the zombie apocalypse finally occurs.  What weapons for protection from the walking dead and humans I will acquire, whether to stay in cities or head for the country-side, how to meet up with my family and which of my family members I think would actually survive long enough for me to meet up with them (I'm sorry to say that
some of my siblings have no hope of making it). I've also discussed this in depth with two of my sisters and taken components of their plans and adapted them to my own while also scoffing at what are clearly some very foolish ideas on how to survive. I'm pretty sure that I now have a workable plan that will ensure my survival in the face of the zombie apocalypse, be they fast or slow zombies. (And don't worry, Mom & Dad, I've got a plan to get to you both and protect you from the undead hordes.)

Now, knowing all of this, it also can't come as a surprise to learn that zombies are quite frequently on my mind. (To have an adequate zombie apocalypse plan you must be constantly evolving that plan according to the changes of society, geography, family, etc. - every good zombie apocalypse preparer knows this.) And so, today I offer to you all a zombie apocalypse poem for your enjoyment. I hope it inspires all of you to become more well read (and well watched) on the subject and convinces you all to start formulating your own survival plan. Good luck!

The end of all is drawing near,
We gather close out of fear.
Cling together, don't let go,
Keep your breathing nice and slow.
Don't make a sound, not one peep,
In the shadows they now creep.
Use your head to stay alive,
Before you run, count to five.
To make sure the coast is clear,
Take a pause, what do you hear?
A slow shuffle, a dragging foot,
Moans of hunger, now take a look,
Around the corner, what do you see?
Too many horrors, it's time to flee!
Do you know now where to run,
Where safety lies under the sun?
Did you make a plan in case,
You were to witness the end of days?
I hope you gave it some good thought,
As the man too slow is surely caught.
They called me a fool and laughed in my face,
But who's laughing now as the zombies give chase?


  1. Thanks for including us in your Zombie Preparedness Plan. You're a good daughter!

    1. No problem at all! Remember that around birthday time. 😉

  2. I need to update my own zombie plan as well as take inventory of my arsenal-

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  5. To be clear: Jana and The Rausch family sadly will not survive. I give Jana an extra bit of time before she is eaten due to the amount of stilettos she owns, but she will need to work on her aim so she can throw them and pierce their heads, however she will run out eventually and is far t squeemish to do any real fighting.

    My family and I will survive without issue and be up to you as quick as possible. I can stop by and pick up the parental units on my way if you like.

    1. I completely agree. You should all come here. And Jana's only hope of survival is that you pick her up on your way and somehow manage to not throw her dead wright out of the car along the way! ;)
