Thursday, January 15, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, more commonly known as MLK Day. I must admit that I fall into the category of most Americans who often think of a holiday as merely a fun day off work. The actual meaning of the day is lost somewhere in the excitement of a three-day weekend  or an unexpected break in the middle of a work week. The big holidays are easy to remember and celebrate because we, as a people, have created some sort of spectacle that goes along with them. Fireworks on the 4th of July (Independence Day), carols and trees at Christmas, shopping turkey at Thanksgiving. I hear the reminders to thank our veterans on Veteran's Day and to think of laborers on Labor's Day...actually, I have no idea what we're really celebrating on Labor's Day (although wikipedia tells me I'm right), which just goes to show my point...but I rarely stop to truly consider what the holiday means and I usually just pass by those reminders with a nod and a thought of "oh yeah, I should do that." Some holidays are universally acknowledged, but not universally understood or truly celebrated. Their meaning is lost because we don't attach some sort of visual or event to that day. It's just an extra day off work and that seems to be enough. But should it be? Shouldn't we take the time to remember why we celebrate these days? What was so important and meaningful to our country that our nation decided to declare this day a national holiday, a day everyone would be free to celebrate? Well, Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day to celebrate an amazing man in American history. A man who fought for equality and rights for all. I think that is something worth remembering. Monday is more than just the third day in a long weekend. Monday is a day to remember a man who helped lead a movement that brought truth to the words stated in our Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal.

A holiday is coming up, it's time to celebrate.
Some time off work, put up your feet, but there's more, just wait.
Think about what this day really means to us,
Freedom, civil liberties, and a world a tad more just.
We must reflect on our lives today and how we can improve,
To get closer to The Dream, it just may behoove
Us all to work on the way we treat the people around,
Regardless of race, religion or creed, or where they can be found.
So let us celebrate Dr. King in the proper way,
And reduce our prejudice a little more each day.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, everyone. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

My first lunch poem of the new year

Welcome to the New Year

The new year is upon us now,
But slow it down, don't have a cow.
I know you're thinking that it's time,
For diet, exercise and saving a dime.
But I ask you now, and think it through,
How about a taco salad with a few
Of your closest friends, buddies from work,
Some of the greatest judicial clerks.
Take a cheat day, we won't tell,
Sit down with us and chat a spell.
For lunch is just so much more fun,
When we're all together and out of the sun.
Hidden away in the Standard cave,
Rehashing old topics from past Thursdays.
Nothing new to discuss or new people to meet,
Just the same old faces and old taco meat.
Wait a second here, what am I saying??
We've gotten off topic, the convo is straying.

Ha. Ha ha. *Ahem*

To embrace the new year of 2015,
Join us for lunch, the usual routine.
Come early, on time, even a bit late,
I hope you all make it, it's sure to be great.

Christmas Card Poems

At the (somewhat) last minute this year I decided to send out homemade Christmas cards to family and a couple of friends. No card is complete without a message inside and to complete my year of poetry writing, I decided to write my own poem, one for the two judges who would receive cards and one for everyone else. Now, I can't take all the credit here. Upon hearing my idea, my mother insisted that rhyming judge and nudge was a must. Well, I couldn't resist the challenge. Here are my efforts...

Christmas Card Poem 2014

A happy holidays to you, my dears,
And many joys in the coming year.
I hope this card finds you well,
And able to sit and rest a spell.
Now put your feet up by the fire,
And enjoy a cup of hot apple cider.
Then think of me doing this too,
And it's as if we're together, just me and you.

Judge's Christmas Card Poem 2014

Take this card as a little nudge,
To take some time for the holidays, Judge.
Put away the long black robe,
And enjoy the festivities at your abode.
You deserve some time off too,
To rest and relax, to feel renewed.
I hope your holidays are filled with cheer,
And I'll see you soon, in the new year.