Sunday, November 16, 2014

Say Goodbye to Summer

The weather has turned in Portland, Oregon. We went from clear and sunny skies to bitter cold in no time at all and I'm still having trouble adjusting. It's even influencing my lunchtime poetry...

Goodbye to Summer, Hello to Winter

The summer has gone and we must say goodbye,
To warm sunny days and crystal clear skies.
Let's bid a cool welcome to unrelenting gray,
That is all we shall see these short winter days.
It's back to the raincoats and tall boots for us all,
And don't lose your umbrella at the start of late fall.
I forgot mine this morning and what should occur,
But a sudden downpour as I stepped to the curb.
I ran toward the Courthouse quick as a flash,
But I was soon soaked despite my mad dash.
I should have expected the sudden appearance of rain,
In a city where "Why can't it be dry??" is a constant refrain.
Good luck to us all at the start of winter I say,
And let's hunker down and wait for spring in late May.

Snow in November

What is this white stuff coming down?
It's settling in piles on the ground.
There's a bitter chill in the air,
You can't escape it anywhere.
I understand the rain and gray,
That shadows Portland every day.
But what is this fluff that I now see,
That's falling down in front of me?
Someone told me it is snow,
Do I trust them? I just don't know.
I don't like it, I must say,
Make it leave and stay away.

1 comment:

  1. I love your poems! I think I'll try writing one about beautiful, sunny California. No rain, no snow, just blue sky is all I know.
