Thursday, November 20, 2014

Don't Forget Thanksgiving

(Let's start with a rant)

*Singing* Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat...

Whoops! That's not a Lauren Moser original poem and it's not even Christmas yet. So why are all the stores and towns decorating for Christmas already? It's just wrong!

1) It's November, people. Not December.
2) Thanksgiving comes first - you're hurting Thanksgiving's feelings by starting to celebrate Christmas already.
3) If you start celebrating Christmas now you will be totally sick of it by December 15 and then you will be a Grinch on the actual day of Christmas.
4) We force non-Christmas celebrators to deal with our overwhelming Christmas spirit for the entire month of December while usually completely overlooking other holiday traditions. Let's not start doing this an entire month early.

(Moving on)

And so, in protest, I've written a Thanksgiving celebratory poem for you all to enjoy.

November is ending,
The month is soon gone,
But before it will leave us,
We must all get along.

For this is the month,
We look to family and friends,
To give thanks for each other,
Consider broken fences we'll mend.

At least that is what,
My dear mother would say,
About this time of year,
And that one special Thursday.

In my humble opinion,
Should you inquire,
The focus is the food,
And sitting warm by the fire.

All that thanks giving stuff,
Is well and good, I suppose,
But aren't we all together,
To eat our fill in repose?

Did I miss then the spirit,
Of this one special day?
Is it about us coming together,
On the Thanksgiving holiday?

I'll have to give this some thought,
Some consideration is due,
With my feet up while I eat,
As I let it all stew.

1 comment:

  1. I probably shouldn't mention that I put up my tree and all my decorations before Thanksgiving this year?
