Saturday, May 2, 2015

Spring Happiness

There's just something about Spring. I think it might be my favorite time of the year. I'm not sure I ever really thought of spring as the superior season when I lived in California. In NorCal there are clearly defined seasons - Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. Each lasts the requisite three months or so, just enough time for you to enjoy that season, but not so long that you get sick of it. Living in Portland, however, is an entirely different beast. Here, you have a super short Summer, an abbreviated Fall, a loooooooong Winter (incessant grey skies and rain), and a brief Spring (it can be as short as three weeks). And since I've moved here I've found myself more and more enamored with Spring. I'm sure the reason is obvious to you all: it comes after an interminable winter in which I have to dress everyday in preparation for the inevitable rain shower. Now, don't get me wrong. I like the rain and I like winter weather. But after 5+ months of it, I'm ready to move on to blue skies and something a little warmer. And so, around mid-May each year I am begging whatever higher power may exist in this world to give me Spring. This year I've been very fortunate as that wonderful season has come early to Portland. We've been enjoying some beautiful (and schizophrenic - we went from 80 degrees one day to 55 degrees the next) weather lately. This has led to some very happy moods for your's truly and some inspired poetry...

The sun is shining, oh, what a day,
Clear blue skies seem here to stay.
My heart feels light, I can't help but smile,
I feel so much better than I have in a while.
There's just nothing better than life in spring,
When every thing's new and the world glows green.
Waking up in the morning seems easy to do,
I jump out of bed and just take a few
Moments to get ready, then I'm quickly out the door,
Why stay inside when you can be out to explore
The world all around us, with the sun shining bright,
It all comes together and my entire being feels right.
On a day like today, it all seems so clear,
There's just nothing better than this time of year.

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