Saturday, March 21, 2015


I'm only one person, just little old me,
I can't be in two places, though I wish I could be.
At first I had one job, it was easy to do,
But then came a second job, nothing terribly new.
And then a small wrinkle was thrown in the works,
As a third job was added by my bosses, those jerks.
Now, I'm trying my darndest to get it all done,
But I'm getting bogged down and I've lost all my fun.
But my bosses, it's true, are not wholly to blame,
I hate asking for help and I like holding the reins.
But I'm learning to accept help when it comes,
So today's a bit calmer than the three prior ones.
Hopefully soon my job count will be two,
And with a great sigh of relief I will say "phew!"

As you may have keyed in on from the poem above, work has been hectic of late. Somehow, over the past two weeks, I've found myself essentially working three jobs. Or trying to, anyway. It's not been easy and it's turned me into, what can kindly be called, a cranky pants. Luckily the person who was out for two weeks (which added the third job to my already crowded plate) is back and I will be down to two jobs on Monday. Thank goodness! The pace I was keeping was entirely unsustainable. Now to just find my next position so that I'm not stuck doing two jobs, one of which is a clerkship, forever...

1 comment:

  1. My poor poor baby.. . Don't you worry, everything will be better tomorrow when we are together!
