Thursday, December 11, 2014

Good-bye to Our Founder

Here you will find my weekly lunch poem. A good friend of mine from law school, Sean, has also worked at the Courthouse for the past two years. We've had a great deal of fun working so close, chatting on Sametime (instant messaging Courthouse/1995 style), and just dropping by each other's courtrooms. Unfortunately (for me), Sean is moving on to be a public defender in Hood River, Oregon. He will be missed greatly at the Courthouse by all. Before he went, however, he had one last clerk lunch to attend and I just had to give him a proper send off...

I have a tale to tell you all,
A story some of you may recall.
Of how these lunches came to be,
And it was not because of me.
Another started our lunches every week,
And his praises I now speak.
I would not now share this story,
But he leaves us soon in a blaze of glory,
And so the truth I must tell,
To give him his due and wish him well.
So sit down and read what I now say,
Of why we feast each Thursday...
I don't know how he first started,
But by the time I came he would not be parted,
From eating a taco salad once a week,
Suggesting otherwise would make him freak.
Some proposed a new place to go,
And he would respond that he wouldn't show.
I tried and tried to change his ways,
But nothing worked, his habit stayed.
And so instead we settled down,
Invited more and now the group abounds.
And now you know who to thank,
Our very own, dear Sean Pank.
But as I said a few lines ago,
He is moving, he soon will go!
So come today, to say good-bye,
To our founder, a truly amazing guy.

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